Every now and then, it’s nice to step back from the non-stop Rock and Roll and take in something completely different. Not that there’s anything wrong with tight jeans and long-haired hipsters…
A New Orleans native, Christian Scott is a jazz trumpeter based in New York with a kick-ass band that encompasses an intensive, brooding tone. Scott plays the hell out of his Gillespie-style trumpet, exploding each note into his microphone with ferocious energy. And Scott’s band is just as amazing as their frontman.
It didn’t matter that he was extremely jet-lagged, having flown to Austin all the way from Berlin, Germany where he had just played a show. Scott and his band delivered a hell of a set at Bourbon Rocks on Sixth Street, gaining mad props from a packed house who were most likely expecting some blonde-haired, blue-eyed singer/songwriter from somewhere in the Midwest.
Also, two of the guys from The Automatic caught his set, as they were waiting to see their fellow Welsh friends Super Furry Animals play after Scott.
Watch the video clips of Christian Scott with a short interview by yours truly.